Monoprint of oil on clingfilm

Monoprint on card
400 x 250mm

This is one of a whole series of works I did using clingfilm. I used clingfilm each evening to cover the paint on my pallette so it could be used the next day - turned out to be a bit rubbish and having experimented with different equally daft things I now use an old T shirt that does the biz.

Anyhow I noticed that when I pulled away the clingfilm and laid it on some paper one day it left quite strong intensely-coloured random markings quite unlike marks I'd ever made.

So that set me running and I was doing one quick-fire self-portrait after another on the clingfilm and with the help of my friends carefully laying it down onto paper and rubbing it in. Hey Presto - completely wacky unpredictable and largely uncontrollable images.

I did other stuff with it too … but then moved on to the next thing and promised to revisit sometime…

Monoprint of oil on clingfilm

Monoprint on card
400 x 250mm

This is one of a whole series of works I did using clingfilm. I used clingfilm each evening to cover the paint on my pallette so it could be used the next day - turned out to be a bit rubbish and having experimented with different equally daft things I now use an old T shirt that does the biz.

Anyhow I noticed that when I pulled away the clingfilm and laid it on some paper one day it left quite strong intensely-coloured random markings quite unlike marks I'd ever made.

So that set me running and I was doing one quick-fire self-portrait after another on the clingfilm and with the help of my friends carefully laying it down onto paper and rubbing it in. Hey Presto - completely wacky unpredictable and largely uncontrollable images.

I did other stuff with it too … but then moved on to the next thing and promised to revisit sometime…